Words and Photos By Faith Nguyen

MCR Leaves Boston "Not Okay" after a high-anticipated reunion show

Packed doesn't even begin to describe how TD Garden, Boston's main sports and entertainment arena, felt on the evening of September 7th. The iconic rock band My Chemical Romance was set to play two nearly sold-out, back-to-back shows at the arena, drawings fans from all over New England to witness their show. Endless anticipation filled the atmosphere, with the band's official break up in 2013, only prolonged by covid postponing their reunion tour for another 2 years.

As the clock drew nearer and nearer to 9, impatience only grew. A sea of fans wearing lead singer Gerrard Way's past makeup looks, colored hair, and skeleton hand gloves exploded with energy as the speaker system revved up. Static filled the arena, making the whole venue feel as if it were buzzing in anticipation. Screams and chants joined the static noise as fans practically begged the band to take the stage.

Their pleas were finally answered as the arena suddenly drew black. The crowd roared as band members of My Chemical Romance took the stage, reaching a peak as Gerrard Way emerged. Known for his eccentric costumes and dramatic makeup, Way, dressed in a black body suit, white face paint, and thick, black eye makeup greeted the crowd with a growl. Starting the night with "The Foundations of Decay," the first new song the band had released since 2016, the band made it clear that a nearly 9-year retirement did not lessen the caliber of their performances. Guitarists Ray Toro and Frankie Iero and bassist Mikey Way made their way back and forth across the stage, working the whole crowd. Meanwhile, Gerrard, playing into his dark, monstrous character the whole night, directed the crowd as if an orchestra leader conducting his fans. Facing him, members of the pit reached over the metal barriers, stretching their limbs to their limits, just to get as close as possible to their beloved band.

Despite a relatively simple production with just standard spotlights and a ruined city as their set, My Chemical Romance rolled through the entire night with explosive energy. Aside from a few brief snarls from Gerrard, the band took almost no breaks in between songs, even with an exhausting amount of head-banging and guitar shredding from each band member. Likewise, the crowd never faltered in their energy, screaming the lyrics along with the band responding to the start of each song with a roar of excited screams. However, no screams were louder than those for the start of the band's hit, "Welcome to the Black Parade", which began after just the first note of the song.

My Chemical Romance's reunion tour has been not only a testament to the band themselves as technical musicians and performers, but even more so to the community they have created and the impact their music has left on their fans. Watching the band interact with the fans, it was clear that to the "MCRmy", My Chemical Romance means much more to them than just music.


