Photos and Words By Danielle Ciampaglia

Robin Pecknold is a man of the people. Those people being his fans, his band, and his opener.
When Fleet Foxes played at The Mann Center on August 12th, it was huge. But also, it was small -- intimate and close, nearly personalized for each person in the crowd. Pecknold has an unbelievable ability to make the audience feel like they are part of the performance. He cracked jokes with the crowd, and even asked people to repeat themselves when he heard them yell just so he could respond. When someone from the crowd yelled their praises for The Westerlies, a horn quartet on tour with Fleet Foxes, Pecknold took that opportunity to agree. The Westerlies were undoubtedly a standout feature of the show. At one point, someone walked their young daughter to the stage and said it was her birthday, that her name was Lorelai. The band played their song "Lorelai" for her.

The biggest moment of the show was before the music even started. Pecknold took the stage to introduce their supporting act, Uwade. She is a stunning vocalist and Fleet Foxes collaborator, featured on their song "Wading In Waist-High Water." Uwade, who played with just her guitar, captivated the entire venue. When Pecknold came out to introduce her, it commanded attention and prevented the "talk during the opener" phenomenon that happens far too often. There is something so refreshing about artists who treat every member of the touring party with respect.

Fleet Foxes will always be one of the greats and you don't need to see them live to know that. But, breathing the same air as a band like this makes you feel like you're part of something good. Seeing the momentum with which they perform makes you feel like you're part of something big.






THE DRIVER ERA 8.10.2022