Photos and Words By Adam W Gerhold
Black Midi took their Summer tour to Royale in Boston with support from Pieri, one of the most exciting and crowd pumping acts I’ve seen in a bit.
Pieri brought the hype. Between running from one end of the stage to the other, jumping, screaming, dancing, and pretty much removing any barrier that was between the stage and the crowd (figuratively). The crowd was shaking the floor. It was awesome.
Black Midi is a band. A really incredible band that is somehow easy to describe and impossible. They are a rock band. What kind of rock? Good question. And then there’s jazz, some hints of classical influence. Just… hmmm… yeah. They are really good. And a whirlwind to see live. Your head is on a swivel. There’s so much to see. Each member stands out and fits perfectly in the whole. If I had to give it my best shot i’d say they are The Beatles if The Beatles were heavy into improvisation and listened to math rock. You love it!